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Letter from the President: Summit Sucess!

Randy Briley

Updated: Jan 27, 2024

Members and Supporters,

This past Tuesday the STR Alliance held the long-awaited Hospitality and Good Policy Summit. We had the Mayor along with members of the city council, planning & zoning and our current and former state representatives in attendance. We greatly appreciate our city leaders who chose to attend, along with our city staff for their participation with this event. The time, effort and energy that went into this was significant and we welcomed questions and comments from both sides of the isle. The overall response has been overwhelmingly positive. Here are just a few of the comments I have personally received after the event took place:

  • Never before in our history has our town had a citizen’s group formed like this - keep up the good work

  • I don’t care for STRs in our town, but it’s clear that there is a place here for them.

  • Please thank the Alliance for me, for everything you have done for this community.

  • I had to watch remotely, thank you all for taking the lead in exposing our investments and contributions to the city and our citizens.

  • Thank you all for putting yourselves on the line for this important discussion.

  • I was so impressed how professional the event was and how the information was presented.

SPECIAL RECOGNITION: We've had a great number of individuals who contributed their time, money and talent to this effort. However, I need to highlight the amount of work our team member Belinda McDonald has done. She is often the calm voice in the room and one to propose the best path forward. She is the individual to help create the vision and then works to build the plan in order to accomplish that vision. If our organization deserves positive recognition, a large portion of this is due to her dedication and tireless work. Thank you Belinda! WHAT HAPPENS ONCE THE ORDINANCE IS PASSED? When this ordinance is passed, our organization is not going anywhere. We absolutely will remain committed to this cause and will be a part of the hospitality conversation in Fredericksburg moving into the future. We live here, we work here, we stand for Fredericksburg! If you missed the event, please follow this link to watch on YouTube. We continue to ask for contributions to help fund our efforts - please follow the links below. Choose one depending on your desired level of involvement. Click here to join as a Member Click here to become a Sponsor Click here to make a donation Sincerely, Randy Briley STR Alliance President

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